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Eyelash extensions
Shaving face Ladie
Improve tone and texture
Reduce pore size
Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
An evolution of Micro-needling to the next level
Ultra Cleansing Facial....
In just one hand piece...
Exfoliate and Cleanse..
Built up dirt and blackheads
Micro-blading 3-D Brows
Your answer to thinning brows...
PureHydro 3 in 1 Sollift Machine
PureHydro by Sollift is a revolutionary 3-in 1 Hydro Facial system that is widely recommended by estheticians all over the world. Wet Microdermabrasion, Hydro Facial, and Radiofrequency work in synergy to make skin clearer and appear younger- all compact into one durable, high-quality equipment. Powerful and effective suction work to properly extract and cleanse impurities, while radiofrequency therapy erases fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.
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